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  • Writer's pictureThe Communicator

When I was a kid...

when I was a kid

I was told I was nice because I was reliable

said I was mature for my age

and that my parents were the luckiest to have me


when I was a kid

I had to wake up earlier to tend to my younger siblings

clean for them, cook for them, do their laundry, and send them to school

my parents were busy trying to get us by; that's why

when I was a kid

I had to witness how my dad hurt my mom

and how my mom had to go

leaving me as the parent when I needed one too

when I was a kid

I was awarded as the most responsible student

because even when it was stormy and I was the only one left in the classroom, I would finish all my notes because no one would go to fetch me—not my mom, nor my dad


when I was a kid

I cried when my dad questioned why I couldn't get a perfect score on the exam I studied so hard for

aside from being the second parent of my younger siblings, I was expected to be at the top of my class

I didn't know being a kid held so much responsibility


I didn't know being a kid required so much

like having to dream in order to achieve 

and having to achieve in order to give

as being able to give makes a kid able to be loved


when I was a kid

I thought that once I became an adult,

the world would be kinder to me

as I tried to be the kindest my whole life


but since the world doesn't seem to work in my favor,

I just try to be an adult

that my younger self would not hesitate to run to

whatever situation she may be in

Article: Judy Ann Celetaria

Illustration: Alyzza Marie Sales


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