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P4P, the Youth, and their Clenched Fists for Freedom

“Youth is the hope of our future.” - Dr. Jose Rizal. 

Truly, the future of our nation lies in the palms of the youth, or sometimes… their fists.

The youth have always proven their participation in nation-building. Some use their talents to represent our homeland on the global stage; their strength and dedication to bring home the most precious metals; their minds to invent and discover the greatest innovations; and others clench their fists to join the masses in resisting oppression.

Solidarity in resistance

Resistance and the youth are no strangers to each other. 

Katipuneros consisted of members belonging to a younger age group, while student and youth activists were one of the staunch oppositions of martial law. Their participation remains in the books, as the spirit of resistance still lives today. Many are still involved in the fight against corruption and injustice.

Filipinos are known to be relational. They can empathize with other people and join them in their struggle, especially when they are experiencing or have experienced a similar problem. So it is no surprise that Filipinos are participating in the call for a ceasefire over the ongoing genocide happening in Palestine. Several pro-Palestine protests took place in the country, such as Metro Manila, Southern Luzon, Northern Luzon, and the Bangsamoro Area.

A generation of complainers?

Militants, radicals, complainers, entitled—these are only a few of the connotations critics use to box the youth. It is the same kind of words that people throw against the students of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines—where activism is alive and kicking. 

Today’s youth do not sit in silence and settle for less. We clamor and fight our way to get what we rightfully deserve. 

In every march and protest for change, PUPians are always in sight. May it be for an equitable and quality education, equal rights, a halt to imperialism, and many more—PUPians are actively raising their fists and voices. So, it is not shocking that these Iskolars ng Bayan are also involved in the call for a ceasefire and freedom for the people in Gaza, even establishing a group for the cause called PUP for Palestine (P4P). 

P4P is an alliance led by the League of Filipino Students PUP (LFS-PUP) advocating for the stoppage of the genocide going on in Palestine. Everyone in the university is welcome to join—students, faculty, and even alumni. 

The group’s support is not limited to the Palestinian people solely; it extends to all forms of oppression and injustice. Aside from the call for full liberation for the Palestinian people, P4P also supports holding the United States and Israel accountable for their war crimes. They also condemn the participation of the US in the annihilation Israel is currently doing. 

To further raise the PUPians’ awareness regarding the matter, the organization conducts various activities such as room-to-room conferences, focus group discussions, and seminars about the current situation of the Palestinians, the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement, and the call to reject colonialism and imperialism by major countries. 

Not only that, but P4P aims to conduct more general assemblies, solidarity protests, and alliance works to strengthen the PUPians’ ties with the advocacy.

The alliance mainly uses social media to reach a wider audience and spread its cause. They utilize it to share educational resources, ways to participate in their activities, and promote alliances for Palestine from different cities and universities in the Philippines. This contributes to spreading enlightenment regarding the ongoing genocide in Gaza.

Little steps, big leap

These kinds of efforts, often belittled, will never go in vain. In times like this, there is no parameter that can measure how big or small an action can be, except our sincerity.

As said by American author and political activist Helen Keller, “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” Through our collective efforts, we can achieve what we are fighting for. When we clench our fists together, we can gather enough strength to dismantle the pyramid that tramples us. When we yell and cry together for change, our voices are loud enough to wake the people sleeping on us. 

Our future lies in our hands, so we must fight to achieve the future—the life—that we all truly deserve.

Article: Ysabella Franchesca Paches

Graphics: Aldreich Pascual


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